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Home Equity Loans

Home Lending Services Home Loans Home Equity Loans

Put Your Home’s Equity to Work for You!

If your home is worth more than you owe on it (and it probably is), then you have “equity” in your home. This means you could be sitting on a big chunk of cash that could be used right now to help pay bills, reduce debt or pay for a large project like a kitchen remodel. Riverfront offers two options:

Home Equity Loan

Make the equity in your home work for you. This works great for a big expense that’s looming right now, like consolidating high-interest credit card debt, paying college tuition or doing a big home improvement project. You get a competitive, low, fixed interest rate and set term with repayment terms up to 20 years. Available in PA, CA, DE, MD, NJ, NY.

In some cases, Riverfront FCU offers fixed rate Home Equity loans that may go above 80% LTV based on certain criteria. Call 610-374-8351 for more information.

Why Wait? Consolidate. Pay off your High-Interest Balances with Fees waived up to $550*
R Home Equity Products
*Visit for more information.

Home Equity Line of Credit

You open a line of credit that you can tap into if you need a few extra bucks from time to time. This can help you manage your monthly expenses a little easier, buy occasional bigger items (like furniture or appliances), or do a series of smaller home improvement jobs. You only pay principal and interest when you draw money, so it’s smart, convenient and easy. We offer competitive, low interest rates and you can access your credit line for up to 5 years (no need to re-apply). You can repay your loan up to 15 years from the date of the last advance.

Draw from your line by transferring funds through our eBranch channels, cash over the counter or opt for checks. You will only pay principal and interest on the amount that you draw on.

Already Have A HELOC From Another Financial Institution?

No problem. We can help you there, too. Refinance it with Riverfront for a lower rate and keep more of your hard-earned money.

  • Access your credit line for up to 5 years, no need to re-apply
  • Up to 15-year repayment term from the date of last advance
  • Borrow purchase-by-purchase up to your credit limit
  • Available only in Pennsylvania

Check out our rates.

* APR = Annual Percentage Rate. A special APR of 2.49% for the first six months with a $10,000 minimum advance. The introductory APR will automatically terminate at the end of the 6-month period. Home Equity Line of Credit rates are based on the Prime Rate as published in The Wall Street Journal on the 3rd Tuesday of each month plus or minus a margin with a floor rate of 3.5%. Your APR may vary. Property insurance is required. With a $10,000 initial advance we will waive all basic property search and recording fees, excluding appraisal fee. Payments may be tax deductible, consult your tax advisor. All loans are subject to credit approval. Other restrictions may apply.

Ways To Apply

  1. Apply Now
  2. Speak to us LIVE
  3. Call us at 610-374-8351 and let AIDA know that you’d like to “Apply for a Loan”
  4. Apply in-branch during business hours

Apply for a Loan or Credit Card

To get started, you’ll need a Social Security number, Driver’s License and, if applying for an auto loan, the VIN and mileage.

Apply Now
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