Save Up for Something Special! Open a Club Account
Are you ready for an amazing vacation? How about a special holiday season with lots of gifts for your family and much less stress?
With a Riverfront Club account, you can save money all year for any special occasion. Your money is safe, secure and earning interest. Like a Savings Account you can always access the funds, but you won’t have debit card access to help you stick to your goal of saving up for something special.

Types of Club Accounts include:
Vacation Club. Save up and reward yourself with an amazing vacation. Save a little for a fun long weekend… or save a bunch for a special trip or honeymoon… or save a lot to take your family on the trip of a lifetime!
Holiday Club. The holidays can sneak up on us, and before we know it we’re racking up credit card debt to buy gifts or tickets for holiday travel. With the Holiday Club, you can save a little money throughout the year so there’s plenty of cash available to make the upcoming holidays extra special. Plus, enjoy the added bonus of starting the New Year with no credit card debt! In early November, just in time for shopping, your Holiday Club balance will be automatically transferred to your savings account.
Personal Escrow Account. Do you have big expenses like taxes or insurance that cause you to break your budget? With the Personal Escrow Account, you can save for these expenses throughout the year and make these costs much easier to manage.
Club & Escrow Account Features:
- No minimum balance
- No monthly service charge
- Free eStatements
- Direct deposit
- Contribute as much as you like as often as you like
- Dividends paid monthly on average daily balance of $1 or more
- Up to a combination of 6 withdrawals and/or transfers per month allowed